

The 3 ques. ask in grave | shockable in quran verse

What happend after death in  grave  with the people in muslim 

In Islamic belief, the fate of a person after death depends on their deeds and beliefs during their lifetime. Those who have lived a righteous life and followed the teachings of Islam are believed to be rewarded with eternal paradise in the afterlife, while those who have committed wrongdoings and disobeyed Allah may face punishment.

After death, the body of a Muslim is typically washed, shrouded in white cloth, and buried in a grave facing the Qiblah (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, which is the holiest site in Islam). The grave is usually simple and devoid of any decorations or markers.

Once the body is buried, the deceased undergoes a trial in the grave, which is known as the questioning of the two angels. These angels, named Munkar and Nakir, will ask the deceased a series of questions about their beliefs and actions during their lifetime. A righteous person will be able to answer these questions easily and will be comforted by the angels, while a wicked person will struggle to answer and may face punishment in the grave.

It is important to note that in Islamic belief, the soul of the deceased continues to exist after death and is aware of what is happening around them, even in the grave. The deceased are also believed to be visited by loved ones and receive rewards in the form of good deeds performed by their family and friends on their behalf.

Overall, the Islamic belief regarding what happens to a person after death in the grave is that they will be held accountable for their actions and beliefs during their lifetime and will either be rewarded with eternal paradise or face punishment for their wrongdoings.

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