

Painfull Punishment | in hellfir for muslim who do zina

            Zina   Punishment  in  Islam

What punishment for zina in judgement day in islam In Islam, zina (unlawful sexual intercourse) is considered a major sin and is prohibited in all circumstances. The punishment for committing zina in the hereafter is left to the discretion of Allah, as He is the ultimate judge and will decide the punishment for each individual according to their deeds and intentions. However, in this world, Islamic law prescribes different punishments for zina depending on the circumstances. If an unmarried person commits zina.

the punishment is 100 lashes and if a married person commits zina, the punishment is stoning to death. It's important to note that these punishments are not to be carried out by individuals or vigilantes, but rather through a proper legal process by Islamic authorities.

 In any case, repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah is always encouraged in Islam. If someone has committed zina, they are urged to sincerely repent, seek forgiveness, and make efforts to change their ways and avoid such sins in the future. Allah is merciful and forgiving to those who turn to Him in repentance.

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