

Where will be the dajjal now | who chained dajjal 😳

Fact about dajjal in islam what quran says 

The term "Dajjal" is not mentioned explicitly in the Quran, but the concept of a false messiah or an anti-Christ figure is mentioned in various verses. In Islamic eschatology, Dajjal is seen as a major sign of the end times.

In Surah Al-Kahf (Chapter 18, Verse 15), the Quran mentions the story of the people of the cave who sought refuge in a cave and were protected by Allah. The Quran then states, "And you would think them awake, while they were asleep. And We turned them to the right and to the left, while their dog stretched his forelegs at the entrance. If you had looked at them, you would have turned from them in flight and been filled by them with terror."

In the next verse (Verse 16), the Quran mentions that this story is a lesson for those who believe in the Hereafter. Some interpreters believe that this verse alludes to the coming of Dajjal, who will deceive people and create chaos before the end of times.

In Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4, Verse 157), the Quran mentions that some people claimed to have killed Prophet Jesus, but in reality, they did not. The verse states, "And for their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.' And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but another was made to resemble him to them."

Some interpreters believe that this verse also alludes to the coming of Dajjal, who will claim to be the messiah and deceive people with his false miracles.

Overall, the Quran does not provide a detailed description of Dajjal, but warns believers to be vigilant and seek refuge in Allah to protect themselves from his deception.

Where will be the  dajjal ?

The Quran does not mention where Dajjal is currently located, as the concept of Dajjal refers to a future event in Islamic eschatology. In Islamic tradition, Dajjal is believed to be a false messiah or an anti-Christ figure who will appear before the end of times and create chaos and destruction on earth.

According to Islamic eschatology, Dajjal will appear during a period of great turmoil and corruption, and will deceive people with his false miracles and claims of divinity. He will claim to be the Messiah and try to establish himself as a ruler over the world. However, he will ultimately be defeated by the true Messiah, Jesus, who will return to earth to establish justice and peace.

It is important to note that the concept of Dajjal is not a physical location or a tangible object, but rather a symbol of evil and deception that believers are warned to be aware of and protect themselves from. The Quran and Islamic teachings encourage believers to seek refuge in Allah, follow the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad, and uphold their faith and morals in the face of adversity and temptatio

Who chained Dajjal 

In Islamic eschatology, Dajjal is a figure who represents falsehood and deception, and is believed to appear before the end of the world. According to Islamic tradition, Dajjal will claim to be a prophet and will perform miracles, but will ultimately be defeated by the forces of good led by the Mahdi and Jesus.

There is no specific mention in the Quran of who will chain Dajjal, but rather this is a topic that is discussed in various Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and other Islamic literature. According to some Hadiths, it will be the prophet Isa (Jesus) who will chain Dajjal.

One Hadith narrated by Abu Huraira states that when Dajjal appears, Isa will descend from heaven and lead the prayer, after which he will go out to confront Dajjal. As Dajjal approaches, he will start to melt like salt in water, and Isa will strike him with his spear, ultimately killing him.

It is also mentioned in some Hadiths that the angels will assist Isa in the battle against Dajjal. The exact details of the events surrounding the appearance of Dajjal and his defeat are not known, and are a matter of interpretation and speculation within Islamic tradition.

When phrophet  isa will kill dajjal

The concept of Dajjal, or the Antichrist, is a significant one in Islamic eschatology. According to Islamic tradition, Dajjal will appear before the end of times and will try to deceive people into believing that he is the true messiah. He will have immense power and will be able to perform miracles, but his ultimate goal will be to lead people away from the path of righteousness.

The encounter between Dajjal and the Prophet Muhammad is not described in detail in the Quran, but there are several hadiths or sayings of the Prophet that provide some information about it. According to these hadiths, Dajjal will appear in the last days, and his appearance will be preceded by a time of great turmoil and chaos.

When Dajjal appears, he will be able to travel very quickly across the world and will be able to attract many followers. However, the Prophet Muhammad warned that Dajjal's true nature is that of a deceiver, and he urged his followers to be wary of him.

The Prophet Muhammad is believed to have said that he will personally confront Dajjal and defeat him. In one hadith, the Prophet is reported to have said, "Allah is not one-eyed, but Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging grape." This hadith suggests that the Prophet Muhammad will be able to recognize Dajjal because of his physical appearance.

In another hadith, the Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said that Dajjal will approach him while he is leading the prayer and that he will immediately flee from him. This hadith suggests that even though the Prophet Muhammad will be able to recognize Dajjal, he will still be wary of him and will not want to be in his presence for too long.


the encounter between Dajjal and the Prophet Muhammad is a significant event in Islamic eschatology. It represents the ultimate battle between good and evil, and it highlights the importance of remaining steadfast in one's faith, even in the face of great temptation and deception. Muslims believe that the ultimate victory will belong to Allah and that those who remain true to their faith will be rewarded with eternal paradise.

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