

Shocked dreams | 5 dreams that comes from allah

 What does the Quran say about dreams 

The Quran mentions dreams in several verses and they are considered important in Islamic tradition. The Quran implies that dreams hold meaning and significance, and their interpretation can be a gift from God. In Surah Az-Zukhruf 43:3-4, the Quran is described as full of wisdom and knowledge, including knowledge about dreams. In Surah Yusuf 12:6, the story of Prophet Joseph is referenced, who was known for his ability to interpret dreams. This implies that the interpretation of dreams is a gift from God. In Surah Yusuf 12:4, Joseph relates a dream he had to his father, which is interpreted as a sign of his future greatness. Finally, in Surah Ali 'Imran 3:190-191, the Quran emphasizes the importance of reflection and contemplation in the remembrance of God. Dreams can be a source of reflection and contemplation for believers.

Islamic scholars have further explored the significance of dreams in Islamic tradition, including the idea that dreams can offer guidance or warning, provide insight into a person's spiritual state, and even be a source of prophecy. However, it is important to note that Islamic tradition also recognizes the potential for dreams to be influenced by the subconscious mind or external factors, and encourages the interpretation of dreams with caution and guidance from knowledgeable individuals.

Why do dreams feel so real in quran verse in 

The concept of dreams and their reality in Islam is a topic that has been discussed in the Quran and other Islamic literature. One of the reasons why dreams feel so real is because they are a manifestation of the subconscious mind, and the subconscious mind is responsible for creating vivid and detailed experiences in our dreams.

In Quran verse 12:43, Allah says, "And [Joseph] said, "O my sons, do not enter from one gate but enter from different gates; and I cannot avail you against [the decree of] Allah at all. The decision is only for Allah; upon Him I have relied, and upon Him let those who would rely [indeed] rely." This verse refers to the story of Prophet Joseph, who had a dream that he would become a great ruler. His dream was so vivid and detailed that he believed it to be real. Later in the story, his dream came true, indicating that dreams can be a reflection of reality.

Moreover, dreams are also believed to be a form of communication from Allah. In Quran verse 6:60, Allah says, "And it is He who takes your souls by night and knows what you have committed by day. Then He revives you therein that a specified term may be fulfilled. Then to Him will be your return; then He will inform you about what you used to do." This verse suggests that Allah communicates with humans during their sleep, and dreams can be a means of conveying messages or guidance to them.

In conclusion, dreams feel so real in Quranic teachings because they can reflect reality, and they are believed to be a means of communication from Allah. While the interpretation of dreams is a complex and subjective topic, the Quran encourages believers to reflect on their dreams and seek guidance from Allah.

Can dream predict the future in quran 

In Islamic belief, dreams are considered to be a type of divine revelation, and there are several references to dreams and their significance in the Quran. While dreams are not always prophetic, there are some instances where they have been known to predict the future.

One verse in the Quran that alludes to the potential predictive power of dreams is Surah Yusuf (Chapter of Joseph) verse 4: "Behold! Joseph said to his father: "O my father! I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!" In this verse, Joseph (peace be upon him) tells his father about a dream he had in which the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were prostrating themselves to him.

This dream is later interpreted to mean that Joseph's family, including his parents and eleven brothers, would one day bow down to him in deference. This prediction ultimately came true, as Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, and he rose to a position of great power under the Pharaoh, eventually being reunited with his family and receiving their submission.

While this is just one example, it illustrates the potential for dreams to have prophetic significance in Islam. However, it is important to note that not all dreams are prophetic, and even if they are, their interpretation can be subjective and open to different interpretations. It is also important to seek guidance from knowledgeable and trustworthy sources when interpreting dreams, rather than relying solely on one's own understanding.

What are the 5  dreams that comes from allah 

In Islamic tradition, dreams are believed to be a means through which Allah (God) communicates with human beings. Muslims believe that there are five types of dreams that come from Allah, each with its own significance and interpretation. These dreams are described below.

1.True Dreams (Ru'ya Sahiha)

True dreams are the most important type of dream in Islamic tradition. They are believed to be messages from Allah and are considered to be a form of divine revelation. In a true dream, the dreamer sees things as they truly are, and the dream is a reflection of reality. True dreams can be interpreted by knowledgeable people or scholars, and they may contain messages about the future, guidance, or warnings.

2. The Dream of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) (Ru'ya Nabawiyya)

The dream of the Prophet (PBUH) is a special type of dream that is believed to be a direct message from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In these dreams, the Prophet (PBUH) receives guidance, revelations, or warnings. These dreams are considered to be a form of divine revelation and are believed to be infallible.

3. The Dream of the Faithful Believer (Ru'ya Salih)

The dream of the faithful believer is a dream that is believed to be a message from Allah to a righteous person. These dreams are a sign of Allah's favor and blessing, and they may contain guidance or warnings. The faithful believer is expected to act on the message of the dream and to follow the guidance that it provides.

4.  The Dream of the Unfaithful Believer (Ru'ya Khabitha)

The dream of the unfaithful believer is a dream that is believed to be a warning from Allah to a person who is disobedient or unfaithful. These dreams may contain warnings of punishment or may be a sign that the person needs to repent and turn back to Allah. The unfaithful believer is expected to heed the warning of the dream and to change their ways.

5The Dream of the Devil (Ru'ya Shaytaniyah)

The dream of the devil is a dream that is believed to be inspired by Satan. These dreams are often disturbing or frightening, and they may contain messages that lead a person away from the path of righteousness. Muslims are warned to be cautious of these dreams and to seek refuge in Allah from the influence of Satan.


 dreams play an important role in Islamic tradition, and they are believed to be a means of communication between Allah and human beings. Muslims believe that there are five types of dreams that come from Allah, each with its own significance and interpretation. True dreams, the dream of the Prophet (PBUH), the dream of the faithful believer, the dream of the unfaithful believer, and the dream of the devil all have different meanings and implications, and Muslims are encouraged to seek guidance from knowledgeable people or scholars to interpret their dreams.

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