

Best 5 useful tips to avoid haram things watch and get the reward from allah

          To Become a Good Muslim.

To become a good Muslim, one must start by having a deep and sincere faith in Allah (SWT) and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This involves studying and understanding the teachings of Islam, such as the Quran and Hadith, and practicing the principles of the religion in daily life.

One of the most important aspects of being a good Muslim is performing the five daily prayers, which are obligatory for every Muslim. Prayer helps to connect with Allah and seek His guidance and blessings.

Another crucial aspect is giving Zakat or charity to the needy, which is an act of worship and helps to purify wealth. Muslims should also observe fasting during the month of Ramadan, which helps to develop self-discipline, self-control, and empathy towards the less fortunate.

In addition, one should strive to lead a moral and ethical life by avoiding sinful acts such as lying, cheating, and backbiting. Respecting one's parents, family, and elders, being kind to neighbors, and helping those in need are also important aspects of being a good Muslim.

Learning and seeking knowledge is also essential in Islam. Muslims should seek knowledge not only about their religion but also about various fields of study. They should also strive to be just and fair in their dealings with others and promote peace and harmony in their communities.

Overall, being a good Muslim requires a strong commitment to one's faith, a willingness to learn and grow, and a desire to follow the teachings of Islam in all aspects of life.

5 tips to avoid haram things 

Avoiding Haram Activities

Haram is a term used in Islam to refer to things that are forbidden or prohibited by the religion. Avoiding haram things is an important aspect of practicing Islam and living a righteous life. Here are five useful tips to help you avoid haram things:

Know what is haram: 

The first step to avoiding haram things is to know what they are. Educate yourself on the basic principles of Islam and the things that are considered haram, such as consuming alcohol, eating pork, engaging in premarital sex, and gambling. Knowing what is haram will help you make better choices and avoid these actions.

Surround yourself with like-minded people:

 It's easier to avoid haram things when you're surrounded by people who share your values and beliefs. Surround yourself with like-minded people who will encourage and support you in your efforts to avoid haram things. This could be through joining a mosque, attending Islamic events, or engaging in activities with other Muslims.

Keep a clean environment

Your environment can have a significant impact on your behavior. To avoid haram things, it's important to keep a clean and healthy environment. This includes avoiding places where haram activities occur, such as bars or clubs, and instead choosing to spend your time in places that promote positive values and behaviors.

Practice self-discipline: 

Avoiding haram things requires self-discipline and self-control. You must be committed to living a righteous life and making choices that align with your values. Practice self-discipline by setting goals, developing good habits, and avoiding situations that could tempt you to engage in haram activities.

Seek Allah's help: 

Finally, seek Allah's help and guidance in avoiding haram things. Make dua (supplication) to Allah to strengthen your faith, protect you from temptations, and guide you on the right path. Remember that Allah is always with you and will support you in your efforts to live a righteous life.

In conclusion, avoiding haram things is an important aspect of practicing Islam and living a righteous life. By knowing what is haram, surrounding yourself with like-minded people, keeping a clean environment, practicing self-discipline, and seeking Allah's help, you can avoid haram things and stay on the right path.

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