

A zina in muslim --- u will be shocked


                         A  zina  in   muslim 

In Islam, zina refers to any sexual activity that is considered illicit or unlawful. The term zina encompasses a wide range of sexual acts that are prohibited by Islamic law, and it is not limited to any specific type or category.

There are two main types of zina in Islam:

Zina of the body

 This type of zina refers to any physical sexual act between two people who are not married to each other. This includes sexual intercourse, oral sex, and any other form of sexual activity that involves physical contact between the genitals of two people.

Zina of the eyes: 

This type of zina refers to looking at someone with lustful intentions. It can also include watching pornography or other sexually explicit material with the intention of sexual gratification.

Both types of zina are considered major sins in Islam, and the punishment for committing them is severe. In the case of zina of the body, the punishment is usually flogging or stoning to death, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the offense. In the case of zina of the eyes, the punishment is not as severe, but it is still considered a sin and should be avoided.

It is important for Muslims to refrain from any form of zina, as it goes against the teachings of Islam and can lead to serious consequences in this life and in the hereafter. Muslims are encouraged to lower their gaze and guard their modesty, and to avoid any situations that may lead to temptation or sexual misconduct.

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